DIRECTIONS: Using your silhouettes & direct side-light photos, and others, combine your photos into various multiple exposures. Use BLEND MODE, etc. to blend the various images in your layers. Erase or cut away parts of photos if needed...The beauty is in the unexpected.
Stefan moses. Duane Michaels Arturo Bragaglia Student Work Student work. Student work. Student work. Student work. Student work.
DIRECTIONS: As explained in class, use Photoshop to BLEND multiple layers together to create interesting, odd, creative, startling multiple exposure images.
QUESTION #1. How are emotions raised by a photograph (work of art) different from typical human emotions? (For example, is a 'sad' photograph/painting different from another experience of sadness?) Is it different for different kinds of emotion? (For example, is a 'happy' photograph more universally descriptive?) If so, how? If not, why not?
-Copy & paste this question into your own post titled "Question #1." -Click on THIS LINK (CLICK HERE) to view a simple search for "sad photograph." -Respond with an explanation of your answer.
A FEW WAYS YOU MIGHT BEGIN YOUR RESPONSE: For me... Sometimes, a photograph can... Actual emotions are... When you compare the two, it is difficult/easy to... Making this comparison is... No, actual emotions are... Yes, actual emotions...