- (especially in Japan) a flowering cherry tree."many schools plant sakura on their grounds"
- cherry blossoms collectively.plural noun: sakura"when the sakura is at its peak, businesses vary their trading hours to give staff the time to enjoy hanami"
Possible Ideas...
-overexpose the image (high key lighting. CLICK HERE)
-underexpose the image (low key lighting. CLICK HERE).
-flash at night
-revisit macro
-juxtapose the sky and blossoms
-a friend's hand & blossom in focus, while the rest of the background is out of focus (depth of field).
Nakamura's site. CLICK HERE.

If you are working with a SLR or other advanced camera, be mindful of the APERTURE & ISO controls. The wider the aperture, the more out of focus the background will be. Explore your camera settings.