ar·tis·tic (är-t

1. Of or relating to art or artists: the artistic community.
2. Sensitive to or appreciative of art or beauty: an artistic temperament.
3. Showing imagination and skill: an artistic design.
DIRECTIONS: Make 36+ photographs of your (or another's pet). Your goal is to be "Artistic" - with a capital "A." What does this mean? Let's chat (in class)...
Do some looking (on line) before you begin. Start your project with ideas about composition, angle, lighting, poses, setting, etc.
Due on the first class after the P/T four-day weekend.
Dogs and physics. CLICK HERE.
William Wegman. CLICK HERE.
Elliott Erwitt's dogs. CLICK HERE.
Dog and photography lovers. CLICK HERE.
More Elliott Erwitt. CLICK HERE.
Tokyo dogs. CLICK HERE.
Little Friends Photo. CLICK HERE.
Erwitt image search. CLICK HERE.