I'm sorry to be out, but would like you to be productive today without me.
Please do the following:
1. Complete and post the TWO clone images you began on Tuesday.
2. If/when you finish, do a few sabattier or multiple exposure images for fun and extra credit
3. Use photos you already have to develop using what you know and going further to explore something 'else' in Photoshop. I've told you I believe in the value of Photoshop play, so...use any free time to do that. It might seem pointless to you, but it is not if you go further into a process and explore. Do it. It will help you. Promise.
What I had planned for today (Friday), we will now do on Tuesday, so bring your cameras.
Thank you for being on-task and working today in my absence.
I appreciate it, and you, greatly.
Have a good day, and I'll see you on Tuesday.