1. Set your camera to "auto" function for the time being.
2. Observing your environment with a photographer's eye, find the letters of the alphabet in the world around you and photograph them.
3. Letters are not to be printed, fabricated, or arranged to make a letter. This is an exercise is seeing the world anew.
Example: Do not photograph the "F" in the Fred Meyer sign for your "F," or move a garden hose into the shape of and "S."
1. Set your camera to "auto" function for the time being.
2. Observing your environment with a photographer's eye, find the letters of the alphabet in the world around you and photograph them.
3. Letters are not to be printed, fabricated, or arranged to make a letter. This is an exercise is seeing the world anew.
Example: Do not photograph the "F" in the Fred Meyer sign for your "F," or move a garden hose into the shape of and "S."

As photographers, we often look for interesting situations, places, and things that have the potential for making good photographs. Sometimes we see something that looks like something else, such as a cloud that looks like an animal, car, or face.
Turn your skills of perception toward finding and photographing things that look like letters of the alphabet. For this project, you will FIND and photograph 26 letters of the alphabet. You are not to photograph letters that already exist (i.e. on a store sign, etc.) In addition, do not arrange subject matter to form a letter. This project is PURELY about observation and learning to see the world in a new way.
The project is an exercise in training your eye to see what you normally would not see. Stretching what your eyes see, and your mind perceives, is an exercise in creative seeing and thinking.
Cheesy, but fun HERE.
Full alphabet HERE.
Actual letter HERE (Not to be done this way).
Photographic alphabet around the house HERE.