DIRECTIONS: At night, slow your shutter speed to a very slow time (5sec, 1 sec, 30sec...). Position the camera on something sturdy so it will not move during the open shutter time. Have someone, or yourself, use a penlight (or some small intense light) pointed to the camera to "write" in the air with light.
Light writing APP for Android. CLICK HERE.
More light writing APPS. CLICK HERE.
A PDF guide to light writing. CLICK HERE.
Possible light tools. CLICK HERE.
Light writing image search. CLICK HERE.
How to light write. CLICK HERE.
Light graffiti. CLICK HERE.
Light writing on Tumblr. CLICK HERE.
Here is another way to make a photograph with light writing. CLICK HERE.

More light writing APPS. CLICK HERE.
A PDF guide to light writing. CLICK HERE.
Possible light tools. CLICK HERE.
Light writing image search. CLICK HERE.
How to light write. CLICK HERE.
Light graffiti. CLICK HERE.
Light writing on Tumblr. CLICK HERE.
Here is another way to make a photograph with light writing. CLICK HERE.

Pablo Picasso draws with light. CLICK HERE.
Pixel Stick. CLICK HERE
Skeleton skateboarder. CLICK HERE.
(Possibly) helpful videos for further clarification: =