THREE Photos + THREE Questions + from THREE Question Sections.

A. Location: Baton Rouge, LA
B. Photographer: Jonathan Bachman—Reuters
C. Original caption: A demonstrator protesting the shooting death of Alton Sterling is detained by law enforcement near the headquarters of the Baton Rouge Police Department in Baton Rouge, La., on July 9, 2016
E. Reading Photos Question #1 (Your choice of question)
F. Reading Photos Question #2 (Your choice)
G. Reading Photos Question #3 (Your choice)
1. Go to each of the following sites:
TIME Top 100 Photographs of 2016. CLICK HERE.
THE ATLANTIC. Winners of World Press Photo 2016. CLICK HERE.
NYTimes Year In Pictures. CLICK HERE.
National Geographic Best of 2016. CLICK HERE.
National Geographic Travel Photos of 2016. CLICK HERE.
CNN Sports Photos of 2016. CLICK HERE.
National Geographic Categories for Bests. CLICK HERE.
2. Choose THREE photos, each from a different site.
3. SAVE each of the THREE photo to your folder - or - SCREEN GRAB (Shift+Command+4) the image to the desktop. If this does not work, post the link into your blog where the photo would go.
4. Post the THREE images to your blog.
5. Answer THREE different questions from THREE different sections in the "Reading A Photograph" Questions. CLICK HERE.
Under each photo, your responses should look like this:
A. Location:
B. Photographer:
C. Original Caption:
C. Reading Photos Question #1
D. Reading Photos Question #2
E. Reading Photos Question #3
*You can COPY+PASTE the question you're answering, or write the question into your answer. Either is fine.