In the same post as your final triptych, add the following:
List all the subject matter in your photographs.
Next to each, explain the symbolism of that subject matter (what it represents/why you used it) Remember: focus, lighting, spacing, composition are all symbolic. Explain those choices you made, as well.
Write what you meant for the viewer to 'see' in the symbol.
Make-up on my face = This symbolizes...Broken bicycle = I included this in the photograph to symbolize...
Apple = The apple is used in this way to represent ________ about my life/self...
The bubble = this represents fragility, and is meant to convey a feeling of...
Me, Out of focus = this represents the times I'm feeling unsure about myself and...
From the questions below, choose TWO questions from each category to answer.
Your 'answers' to these questions should be in a paragraph, or multi-paragraph form.
Yes, you can simply write the question and write your response below it.
However, it would be more interesting to read your thoughts in paragraph form where you have written the question into your response.
Your answers should be thorough, and leave nothing to the imagination. Assume you are explaining these self-portraits to someone who can't see them. What would you say? THAT is how you should write your response.