DIRECTIONS: Make EIGHT or more silhouettes. Bring your 8+ photos to next class period.

SILHOUETTES:To create the silhouette effect, you must meter the exposure for the background (the brightest part of the image) and completely underexpose the foreground subject. When first learning silhouette photography, sunrise and sunset are good times to practice because the sun can be positioned directly behind the subject you wish to underexpose. Given that we are in Oregon, and we won't see the sun for the next six clever and improvise.
To meter something means to tell the camera to measure light.FIRST:
Set the ISO a little lower than the light conditions need. (this will make the image slightly underexposed).
1. On a phone camera, the metering happens when you tap the screen to lighten or darken your image. Tap the bright background light to make your subject in the middle become a silhouette. Then, take the picture.
2. On a camera, put your settings on AUTO for now (manual settings coming next).
Then, point the camera at the bright background and lightly press the shutter button to activate the light meter. Put your subject between you and the light. Then, snap the picture.
Silhouettes at The Atlantic. CLICK HERE.Tips for killer silhouette photography. CLICK HERE.
50 examples. CLICK HERE.
How to photograph silhouettes. CLICK HERE.
Another how-to. CLICK HERE.