18 April 2013

PROJECT #16: LARGER THAN LIFE. Exaggerated Size

DIRECTIONS: Take (minimum) two photographs of the same scene. In Photoshop, we will layer and make 'something' in each composite photograph larger than life.

The project is inspired by Franck Allais' work. His website is CLICK HERE.
An article about Allais. CLICK HERE.

Fiddle Oak (14 year old) doing this. CLICK HERE.

16 April 2013


Post questions.

-The film presents one family's denial that their family member may have jumped, and also the acceptance of a husband that his wife may have jumped. Why do you think there is such a difference in these two points of view?

-Is it important that we know the identity of the jumper?

-Is showing the photo exploitation?

-“I hope we’re not trying to figure out who he is, but rather who we are through watching that.”  What does Gwendolyn Briley (the sister of the man identified in the photo) mean by this?

-How do you feel about the analogy being made that it is the tomb of the unknown soldier for that day?

-“We can’t hope to understand these incredible times, unless we bear witness to these images.”  What does this mean to you?