04 March 2013


DIRECTIONS: Read through these links. Do your own search for "What makes a good photograph?" Read how people answer these questions. Go beyond the basics (composition, shape, etc.). Answer the question "What is the 'thrust' of a photograph, and how can it be powerful?"
Be ready to discuss this next class.

An intelligent view. CLICK HERE.

More intelligent thought. CLICK HERE.

A different view. CLICK HERE.

The pessimist. CLICK HERE.

A street photographer. CLICK HERE.

The photo below is from the World Press Photo Contest. CLICK HERE for a gallery of images.

World Press Photo of the Year 2012 - Paul Hansen/Sweeden/Dagens Nyheter 

The rubric below is how your participation and commentary will be observed.

Quality of Comments
Timely and appropriate comments, thoughtful and reflective, responds respectfully to other student's remarks, provokes questions and comments from the group
Volunteers comments, most are appropriate and reflect some thoughtfulness, leads to other questions or remarks from student and/or others
Volunteers comments but lacks depth, may or may not lead to other questions from students
Struggles but participates, occasionally offers a comment when directly questioned, may simply restate questions or points previously raised, may add nothing new to the discussion or provoke no responses or question
Does not participate and/or only makes negative or disruptive remarks, comments are inappropriate or off topic
Active Listening
Posture, demeanor and behavior clearly demonstrate respect  and attentiveness to others
Listens to others most of the time, does not stay focused on other's comments (too busy formulating own) or loses continuity of discussion. Shows consistency in responding to the comments of others
Listens to others some of the time, does not stay focused on other's comments (too busy formulating own) or loses continuity of discussion. Shows some consistency in responding to the comments of others
Drifts in and out of discussion, listening to some remarks while clearly missing or ignoring others
Disrespectful of others when they are speaking; behavior indicates total non-involvement with group or discussion