24 January 2022

**OPTIONAL** LAST PROJECT: Daydream/Nightmare Self-Portrait

This project is about visual metaphor.

Visual metaphor is the representation of an idea through place/person/object/time/composition/color/etc.

To make images that are visual representations of what the two words - daydream & nightmare - mean to you, and to practice creative problem solving by thinking metaphorically and representationally.

1.  Think of nightmare. What does that mean to you? What is the first picture that comes to mind? THAT could be your starting point for where your visual ideas go...

2. What is the image you conjure when thinking of daydreamTHAT could be your starting point...

3. With what you have access to in your personal life, how can you photograph THOSE ideas in way that will produce a purposefully composed images with visual metaphor?

Question to ask yourself: what place(s), objects, expressions, body language, light, etc. could you incorporate for each photo?***

A. Make a photograph that represents your definition of what a "daydream" looks like.
B. Make a photograph that represent your definition of what a "nightmare" looks like.
C. Think outside the box to a sunny/pleasant place...and inside to a dark corner of the box.
D. Do a search for 'clever photographic self-portraits'...'interesting photographic self-portraits'... to get inspired/ideas. 

1. You must be visible in both photos
2. Do not make a handheld (at arms-length) 'typical' selfie. Use the timer on your camera and step out from behind the camera.
3. Both photos must be developed. 
4. A brief explanation of why each photo represents what it does will be submitted with the photos.