06 November 2013

PROJECT #18: Compositional LINE

Understanding the elements of design are essential for making art. In Photography, the most fundamental element is LINE. Before you take a picture, you must decide where you want the viewer to look first. The LINES in your photograph - if you compose your image carefully - will lead the viewer's eye to your main subject.
Of course, all the other parts of the composition are important, but using LINE to draw the viewer's eye to your main subject will create an image that looks deliberate and  well thought-out. All photographers use LINE as a way of composing picture.

Composition and the power of LINE. CLICK HERE.

DIRECTIONS: Make 12 photographs using CONVERGING LINES and 12 photographs using DIAGONAL LINES that draw the viewer's eye to a rule of thirds point.

DIAGONAL LINES to rule of thirds: Eugene Richards, Grandmother, Brooklyn, 1986. 
Richards' site. CLICK HERE.