25 May 2017


DIRECTIONS: Photograph a person (not a high school student) in FIVE (+) of the following ways. Make a few different photographs for each category you choose so that you have a few different angles from which to choose. 

1. You above, the subject looking up.

2. Reflected in glass/mirror/other.
Kenneth Willardt. CLICK HERE.
Melek0197. CLICK HERE.

3. Through something that creates a visual texture over the person.

4. Composed in the rule of thirds (or off center) against a plain background.
CLICK HERE for source.

5. Holding a photo that represents their past.
Margherita Vitagliano CLICK HERE.
An interesting article about her work. CLICK HERE.

6. Illuminated by an interesting/unusual shadow/light pattern.
Vedran Vidak. CLICK HERE.
Kalie Garrett. CLICK HERE.

7. Blowing glitter/confetti/bubbles/powder/etc. - with their face visible.

8. Open aperture to create out of focus background 
*If you do not have a camera that allows for an adjustment of the aperture size, put your camera on MACRO, step back a bit, and make a few images. 


Your subject - and a second subject - photographed as follows (with direct and distinct light with a plain background):